Hi , Sales slowed further in April compared to March and April of last year too. Well priced properties are selling and buyers have more selection than we've had in years together with still very low interest rates. To view our latest "Real Estate Update" with the latest Victoria Real Estate market information and other helpful information for home buyers, sellers and renters check The Neal Report. You can also find regular market updates, our latest listings, open houses, real estate tips, prize giveaways and our community events on Facebook and if you haven't yet, please check out our new Online Listing Presentation. Our Annual Easter Egg Hunt was attended by hundreds of happy hunters under beautiful sunny skies and more than $3,000 was raised for BC
Victoria & Vancouver Island Real Estate Blog
Ron Neal and The Neal Estate Team eNews March 2011
Hi , The market is changing! The recent continuing trend is fewer sales and more listings compared to the same time last year with downward pressure on prices. To view our latest "Real Estate Update" with the latest Victoria Real Estate market information and other helpful information for home buyers, sellers and renters check the The Neal Report We are proud to annouce that we are among the first and very exclusive small group of Victoria Realtors to have our listings searchable through the City of Victoria's website! Please also check out our new look and join us on Facebook Last month I had the surprise and great honour to be awarded RE/MAX's The Spirit of The West Award which is awarded to the one individual Realtor of more than 6,000 in Western